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What is static?
In response to what is static, we can briefly say “immobile, static”.
What is Static stabilizer? (What is Electronic stabilizer?)
Static stabilizer; in accordance with the above static definition means stabilizer which has not movable, mechanical part. Static regulators are manufactured with thyristor- thyristor module groups with fully semiconductor technology. Because of this feature, it is also called as electronic stabilizer. The output voltage of the regulator is continuously sampled with microprocessor and the output voltage regulation is performed by triggering thyristors suitable for DAA technique depending on deviations from the nominal value. Since it decides at the end of the 20 ms sampling period, the correction time is 20 milliseconds. ARTSAN Static regulator circuit diagram is shown on the left.
Very good solution especially for applications requiring motor type starting current.It is especially recommended for CNC machines, printing machines, inductive machines in industry.
Auto transformer of suitable power is used as regulation transformer. In case of failure, operation is continued from the mains with the help of manual bypass. Automatic bypass units are added upon request. It has significant advantages in size and weight as well as the speed of correction.
Thyristors are mounted on aluminum heatsink to eliminate the heat generated by the thyristors. In cases where the aluminum heatsink is not sufficient, the heat generated by the fan support can be removed quickly.
Static voltage regulator It is produced from 1 KVA to 3,000 KVA in three phase and single phase. Buffer transformer is used for powers above 150 KVA.
Technical support
Tags: What is static regulator, what is static voltage regulator, what is electronic regulator, what is static, fast regulator, artsan